Month: June 2010

  • Zeke Vlog: Sony E3 Keynote

    Click to Play Sony was the last of the Big 3 to do their keynote, and they concentrated on 3D and The Move. ;How did they do?

  • Zeke Vlog: Nintendo E3 Keynote

    Click to Play Zeke’s thoughts on the games and hardware introduced by Nintendo at E3 this year. ;Did they do better or worse than Microsoft?

  • The end of a journey: Full Metal Alchemist reaches it’s end

    … And I have to say that it was a very amazing manga series with a very amazing ending. I am EXTREMELY happy that I chose to go back, after watching the Anime and the movie, to read the manga. 108 chapters (30 pages per chapter) filled with amazing story, touching characters, and extremely well…

  • Zeke Vlog: Microsoft E3 Keynote

    Click to Play Zeke gives his thoughts on Microsoft’s E3 Keynote, from the games to the Kinect and new XBox 360 hardware.

  • Zeke Vlog: TNA Slammiversary 2010

    Click to Play Zeke caught TNA’s June PPV: Slammiversary. What did he think?

  • Kerby is on the “Fritz”…

    … And, I must say he didn’t do half bad. I, Jenny, Shaggy, Sibby, and Scooby (Shaggy’s lil bro) all ended up going to see Kerby in the production of “Frakenstein” that “Stage Crafters” presented. It was something that I and Jenny were not expecting (to meet the others there), but it was pretty awesome…

  • New Job and Acting Venues for Moi!

    So this week is going to be super busy this week! Not only did I start my new job this week, but I also have a play coming up! I started training today for my new job at N.E.W. today, beginning with orientation…. and how boring it was! Hour after hour of presentations and orientations…

  • Raw is WAR!!! Or, maybe just well scripted…

    So, here I am, working on our masquerade masks for metro while Jenny sewed on our friend Eden’s practice dance kimono when Jenny requests that we watch WWF Raw on USA. I haven’t actually sat down and watched any wrestling since Mike Fooley was Mankind and, as such, decided to kick back and watch a…

  • Another Glorious day to be alive…

    That is indeed today. Nothing particularly special going on… Just glad to be here. Went and watched “How to Train your Dragon” again. This time, I and Jenny were accompanied by Duo and Evey (whom hadn’t seen the movie yet). It wasn’t in 3-d this time, but it was much more enjoyable to watch outside…

  • An Open Apology to Don Cheadle

    Dear Mr. Cheadle, I, Zeke of aniRAGE, sincerely apologize for mispronouncing your name. My bad. Love, -Zeke P.S. Look forward to some more vlogs coming soon! I just gotta…get around…to filming them…yeah.