So,… Like most of us, I got back from ShadoCon, a couple of days ago, and have been busy catching up on work ever since… As such, I hadn’t had alot of time to catch up on things until last night when I found I had a message from a dear friend. In the letter, he told me about something he thought I might find interesting… And a link… Kinda like this one:
I clicked on the link and was instantly swept away to the S.R.A.’s website. What is the S.R.A., you may ask? Well, if you haven’t already clicked the link above, then I’ll tell you that it stands for the Supernatural Registration Authority. According to the website, beings both Supernatural and Mystic are being required to Register with this organization which offers a certificate of registration for all those whom do so. It’s a fairly fun site with lots of humorous pictures, some interesting plot, and is kept like an actual goverment site. It was pretty cool to look at and, hey, I couldn’t help but to register my “alter Ego” on the site.
Anyways, if you’re bored and want to laugh or, perhaps, if you really are a Vampire or zombie; this is a site well worth checking into.