They’re Getting the aniRAGE Bump #2

Here’s another great write-up of ShadoCon 2010 with some excellent pictures. And of course they mention how wonderful aniRAGE is, but that didn’t sway our decision AT ALL.

The blog is called Mission Cosplay. She has put up some very nice pictures, and has even uploaded some sweet videos from ShadoCon, including our Press Conference skit featuring Doug and Rob Walker, as well as EroRaptor. It’s a great time, and an excellent way to kill some time while you wait for our videos to be uploaded.

Come check them out at Mission Cosplay and give them the aniRAGE Bump!



One response to “They’re Getting the aniRAGE Bump #2”

  1. MJ1913 Avatar

    Hey Guys!

    Excited to see you all again this year at ShadoCon. Already bought my ticket and I’m excited to see your panel. See you soon!

    -MJ1913 from Mission Cosplay