aniRAGE Year In Review: Zeke on Music
This year was, in all truth, a great year for music. But for me personally, I found it to be more about discovering older music rather than embracing some of the newer works released. That being said, I do have a choice for both Album of the Year and Song of the Year. I also have an honorable mention, which would have won album of the year, but I’ll get to that in a bit.

Song of the Year: Ceelo Green – F**k You.
When he was just the vocal talents of Gnarls Barkley, I thought he was an amazing talent. And his newest Solo Album “The Lady Killer” only proves that. I might be tempted to go ahead and give him album of the year…but honestly I haven’t heard the album yet. However, his song F**k You is so damn catchy and so damn true! It starts off with something that just about everyone can understand: heartbreak. He goes on and on about everything that he tried to do to please the girl of his dreams, but to no avail. However, what makes this song really great is that instead of being a sappy song about unrequited love, he goes on to say “Ya know what, Fuck You”, and moves on. Very inspirational in a very catchy, very awesome package. If you haven’t heard this song, check it out. And it’s Radio-Friendly version “Forget You” isn’t too bad either.
Album of the Year: Scott Pilgrim vs The World Soundtrack and Original Score.
Ok, so maybe I’m starting to get a bit biased, with Scott Pilgrim winning awards in Video Game, Movie, and now Music. But regardless, this is a very catchy album. There are a lot of great songs on these albums, and all of the “original” songs that Beck wrote are performed both by Beck himself, AND by Sex Bob-Omb. And truth be told, I like the Sex Bob-Omb versions better. The only strike against this album is that it doesn’t include Brie Larson’s cover of Metric’s “Black Sheep”, which was amazing. Again, another cover from the movie that I enjoy better than the original (though that being said, the originals are all good). While it may seem like cheating to give the award to both the Sound Track and Musical Score, in my mind they go hand in hand, and I even went in and edited it on my MP3 player so that they are the same album. Even the small little techno remixes that make up generic background music are catchy, and I find myself zoning out while listening to them. Next thing I know, my work is done, or my drive is over, and I feel pumped. Definitely a great set of albums to pick up.

Honorable Mention/Album I Discovered in 2010: Chevelle – Sci Fi Crimes.
This album, which isn’t eligible for Album of the Year since it came out in 2009, did something that is a rarity. There is not a single track on this album that I don’t like. From begining to end, I love it. Usually I deem an album “great” if I like at least half of the songs on it. Previously, the album that was doing the best as far as song I disliked was Rise Against’s album “Appeal to Reason” where I only disliked one song. With zero songs ever getting the skip, this album has taken the top spot in my book. I knew of this album upon it’s release, but I didn’t really listen to it in it’s entirety until 2010, so I gets my Honorable Mention award, coupled with “Best Album I Discovered in 2010” award. If you haven’t had a chance to listen to Chevelle, or this album, do yourself a favor and pick it up.
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