Month: December 2010

  • Miroku’s Picture update

    Alright! I finished all the edits and decided to get to hosting them when I ran into another problem… Seems that all the pictures were taken in HD mod which makes them Gi-Normous O_O! So,… I am now shrinking them to managable sizes. As soon as I get done, I will be hosting these pictures.…

  • Kirby’s Corner – Games to get addicted to! – Minecraft

    As I stroll through the internet, you get bored, and decide to stroll through the interwebs for something entertaining and to be very honest, addicting.  Something to take your mind off of the daily stresses of life, and suck you into another world altogether.  Well these are some of the many examples of  “Games to…

  • Top 5 Comic “Nothing Left To The Imagination” Costumes

    Top 5 Comic “Nothing Left To The Imagination” Costumes These girls are fully-clothed, but at first thought you wouldn’t think so. I mean, it IS comic books, that COULD be a different color skin for all we know. But nope, they are fully clothed. And that doesn’t need to be changed in our books. #5:…

  • Sibby Reviews Games- Golden Sun Dark Dawn

    Usually I wait until I beat a game before I review it. But this time I will make an exception due to nostalgia and epiciness. Recently released Golden Sun Dark Dawn continues the story of the first 2 Golden Suns. However this time 30 years have passed and you’re now in control of Issac’s son,…

  • Running late…

    Sorry about not having posted those pics yet, folks! I’ve just about gotten them all ready to host, but work and personal obligations have had me a little preoccupied recently, Note, though, that I WILL have those pics hjosted here very shortly… Till then, just sit back… Watch a few vids or chat it up…