Hey guys! Sorry for having not been around lately… Been kinda caught up in a new game I’ve gotten involved in. It’s not for the Pc or Console systems. Rather, it’s a actual battle sport called “Way of the Sword” or W.o.t.S. for short. I’m sure alot of you have heard of these “Battle sports” type games and my fiancee got me sucked into the fray which I’ve found to be very fun! We meet up on Sundays to practice and battle one another and it plays a little out like a Historical Roleplaying game. Unlike Larp, though, there is no “fireballs” or Lightning bolts” to cast, but there is plenty of combat and a interesting merit’s sytem in place. Now, for anyone that is interested and lives in an area where W.o.t.S. happens to meet, open invitations are granted and, being hosted by a non-profit organization, is free to join with a donation of $20.00’s to help fund camp-outs, clan flags, and the likes. You can check them out at their facebook page:
Also, been watching the anime re-make of a classic Akira Kurosawa. Samurai 7 is a REALLY amazing series that I highly recommend to everyone! Well, for now, that’s all I got! Catch you all again soon!