Hey guys, Zeke here!
We have an awesome project in the works, and we need YOUR HELP to make it happen!
Have you ever played a video game, or watched an anime, and thought to yourself…How the hell is THAT supposed to work? Wonder how sonic goes faster by curling up into a ball? Curious to know why a turtle shoots out of it’s shell when mario jumps on it’s head? Ever wondered how cities got rebuilt so quickly after a Power Ranger battle?
Well we’re here to help you out! Just send your questions to zeke@anirage.com and if it’s good, you might just see it online! We’ve already got some great suggestions so far, but we always need more!
And remember, you can always catch up with us on Facebook and Twitter! And don’t forget to check out all our great videos on Youtube and “
And as always, you can keep up with the latest aniRAGE news here on aniRAGE.com! Until next time!