It’s not fun…

For the past 6 days, I’ve been out of town, a cloak of sadness covering my mind.

Last friday, the 13th, I got news that my grandfather (“PaPa” as the family and I knew him as) passed away suddenly at his home in Monroe, Louisiana.  The cause was supposedly a heart attack to which he didn’t recover.

I was sitting in my room, enjoying a game of Castle Crashers, when a friend of the family called from my PaPa’s house, asking for mother.  I asked what was wrong, but he told me he didn’t know.  Later on, I got a call from mom, with obvious signs that she was crying, and informed me that he had died.  I hung up the phone, proceeding to cry and wail with all of my soul.  I had lost someone dear to me, and I cried.

So my mother and I arrived in Monroe, and we put him to rest.  We cried, we recalled memories of his love and caring nature.  And we even discovered letters between him and MaMa as well.

But all is said and done, and we head home tomorrow.  But as I look back on the events that led to now, I realize that it’s because of not only my PaPa, but my entire family and friends that I do what I do.  I give my support and I give my time with aniRAGE to give our fans and first-time watchers something they won’t soon forget.  I help to give them the gift of laughter and entertainment.

You don’t know what’s lost till it’s not there anymore.  I realize that more than ever.  But I also realize that the memories will never fade if you take time to remember.

In my absence, the new video hasn’t been edited yet.  I apologize for the lateness, and will be getting it edited and uploaded to YouTube before the end of next week.




