Oh, come all ye faithful and Deck the halls with boughs of joy! It’s CHRISTMAS in t-minus 5 days and counting! I hope everyone’s been good this year (or reasonably decent in behavior). Anyways, with the big day coming up, I just wanted to say that I’m really REALLY looking forward to getting to spend the holiday with my family. It’s been about 4 months since I left P.C.B. and the adventure has had it’s ups and downs, but all together… It’s been pretty fun. I’m really looking forward to next year! Lots of conventions to attend, videos to tape, and so much more! The remainder of our group will be joining Zeke and I, here soon and we should be seeing alot more activity here!
Not to belittle the many, MANY accomplishments of this year, though! We’ve had alot of great things happen this year and I am thankful to God and to every single one of you and us for making this year so spectacular. Well, I gotta go! Time to catch some sleep. Talk to you all again soon!