Author: Miroku
Hey there little “Red riding hood”: A movie review
How’s it going, everyone? Just got back from seeing a sneak peek presentation of “Red Riding Hood” and, much like the song by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs… it sure was looking good! I don’t want to put out any spoilers or anything for the movie, but it was a great film. As you…
Venture the Nexis and Join the League!
So, my brother-in-law has been stuck on a game for the past month or so and I finally decided to bite when told I should join in. So I went over to and decided to download the game “League of Legends” to my pc. To start off, L.O.L. is a real-time strategy game, produced…
The “Way of the sword” and other Samurai stuff
Hey guys! Sorry for having not been around lately… Been kinda caught up in a new game I’ve gotten involved in. It’s not for the Pc or Console systems. Rather, it’s a actual battle sport called “Way of the Sword” or W.o.t.S. for short. I’m sure alot of you have heard of these “Battle sports”…
A day for Anime come and gone…
So, Anime Day Orlando has come and gone but, we really had a blast being able to walkaround and hang out with everyone ^_^! I took a few pics while we were there which I hope to host very soon! Anyways, we hope you all had as great a time as we had and we’ll…
6 days till Orlando Anime Day
Really looking forward to getting to see everyone there! It should really be a blast ^_^! We’ve got some plans cooking in the aniRAGE! kitchen, so stay tuned ^_~.
Welcome to 1-1-11!
Aka, HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE! Looking forward to seeing you all again , here, in the New Year ^_^! ~Miroku
aniRAGE! Year in review: Miroku’s Favorites list
Greetings and Salutations, Everybody! As most of you well know, today is the very last day of the year 2K10! Having seen Zeke list his favorite albums/Soundtracks made me want to take a moment to list some of my favorites of this year as well! So, without further adieu, I’m going to list a few…
Christmas countdown: 5 Days
Oh, come all ye faithful and Deck the halls with boughs of joy! It’s CHRISTMAS in t-minus 5 days and counting! I hope everyone’s been good this year (or reasonably decent in behavior). Anyways, with the big day coming up, I just wanted to say that I’m really REALLY looking forward to getting to spend…
This Just in…
We interrupt the AWESOMENESS of the Amv BetaVash discovered to bring you this report… CHRISTMAS IS IN 6 DAYS!!! We now return you to your regularly schedule Net browsing. Thank you. ~Miroku