Author: Miroku
The pictures are coming!
They’re almost here! Just in time for the holidays, Zeke has offered to assist in the process and We should have these pictures posted here VERY SOON! So, keep an eye open and we’ll catch ya here soon (and you may catch yourself here, too)! ~Miroku
Miroku’s Picture update
Alright! I finished all the edits and decided to get to hosting them when I ran into another problem… Seems that all the pictures were taken in HD mod which makes them Gi-Normous O_O! So,… I am now shrinking them to managable sizes. As soon as I get done, I will be hosting these pictures.…
Running late…
Sorry about not having posted those pics yet, folks! I’ve just about gotten them all ready to host, but work and personal obligations have had me a little preoccupied recently, Note, though, that I WILL have those pics hjosted here very shortly… Till then, just sit back… Watch a few vids or chat it up…
Just about done…
I have gone through and, just about, have everything ready to get my pics from the con up and running. Just need to go over closing Ceremony pics and we’ll be set. Stand by for pictures! You COULD be in them! ~Miroku
Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt.1
Just got back from the $5 matinee where I, my fiancee, and family went to see the latest adventure of everyones favorite wizard. Now, note, I have NEVER read any of the Harry potter books and know (just from sheer astetics) that the books were/are MUCH better. However, that being said, I think that the…
Another great AnimeBelle Meeting!
I had to work today, so I didn’t get to stay long, but Anime Belle threw a wonderful club meeting / Thanksgiving party! Kudos to Ashley and the crew for putting it together and to everyone whom attended and/or brought food. It was tasty AND delicious. ~Miroku
Miroku’s ShadoCon pics…
Speaking of things that are also coming soon, I should have all of the photos that I took at ShadoCon up for the review of everyone here soon! So, hang on just a little longer and we’ll catch you here on!
Have monster? Will register!
So,… Like most of us, I got back from ShadoCon, a couple of days ago, and have been busy catching up on work ever since… As such, I hadn’t had alot of time to catch up on things until last night when I found I had a message from a dear friend. In the letter,…
T minus 1 day…
Strap on your seat belt kids and hold on tight! There’s just ONE MORE DAY til ShadoCon in Tampa, Florida! Most of “aniRAGE!” will be making it’s way up to the convention today while the remainder will be arriving tomorrow evening. In both cases, we’ve got ALOT of fun and surprises in store for everyone…
T minus 2 and counting…
Just 2 more days till Shadocon! God knows I’m excited ^_^. Had a little setback happen, but nothing that’ll stop this monk from making it ^_~. So, don’t touch that dial! We’ll be catching you soon! ~Miroku