Author: Miroku
Another friend of aniRage grows older!
Our dear friend Angie turned 22 (or was it 23?) Yesterday! I haven’t had a chance to get on a PC to announce it, though, but I do want to extended a belated Birthday wish of happiness and an awesome year to her, from all of us here at aniRAGE ^_^! Much love to ya,…
Counting down to Metro…
Five more weeks till Metrocon and I’m stoked! Trying to get all last minute items done and planned performance items learned. This is REALLY going to be a great convention! I really can’t wait till it gets here. ~Miroku
Kerby is on the “Fritz”…
… And, I must say he didn’t do half bad. I, Jenny, Shaggy, Sibby, and Scooby (Shaggy’s lil bro) all ended up going to see Kerby in the production of “Frakenstein” that “Stage Crafters” presented. It was something that I and Jenny were not expecting (to meet the others there), but it was pretty awesome…
Raw is WAR!!! Or, maybe just well scripted…
So, here I am, working on our masquerade masks for metro while Jenny sewed on our friend Eden’s practice dance kimono when Jenny requests that we watch WWF Raw on USA. I haven’t actually sat down and watched any wrestling since Mike Fooley was Mankind and, as such, decided to kick back and watch a…
Another Glorious day to be alive…
That is indeed today. Nothing particularly special going on… Just glad to be here. Went and watched “How to Train your Dragon” again. This time, I and Jenny were accompanied by Duo and Evey (whom hadn’t seen the movie yet). It wasn’t in 3-d this time, but it was much more enjoyable to watch outside…
A very special Day, TODAY!
Just wanted to let everyone know that on today, a few years ago, Ashley Clark of was born… Therefore, it’s her B-day Today and we would all, very much, Like to wish her a very happy Birthday and a wonderful and prosperous year to come! On a personal note, I pray that God blesses…
I’ve got to admit it’s getting better…
… It’s getting better all the time. Sorry,… A little old-school song reference there. Needless to say, I’m in a fairly good mood. Gonna get some good work done tomorrow, almost completed on my masquerade mask (and Jenny’s) for Metrocon, and just loving life in general. Progress for Metro is a little slower then expected,…
I came! I saw! I Hero Clix’d!
I was invited by a friend to come to a local comic book shop and play in a small tournament that they host there. I’ve never played before, so I went over to his house, this afternoon, to learn how to play and to pick out a team. I’d like to say that I was…
Kickin’ back on a day off; relaxin’ and doing some laundry. Saw a preview for a new movie coming to Theatures called “Splice”. I’m extremely interested to see what it’s about. Also, rented the “One Piece” movie: “The desert princess and the Pirates: Adventures in Alabasta”. I’ve not really gotten very into the series, as…