Author: Miroku
One too many burgers?
Me thinks that we ate, yesterday, at the beach party… As I reported, we all had a blast, but something has now hit me and Jenny (Jenny worse then I) that has us feeling under the weather a bit today… Anyways, I hope no one else is feeling ill today. At any rate, though, life…
Just got back…
… From an excellent day at the beach, visiting with some of the aniRAGE crew, our friends, and a dear friend whom has been living in Washington but, came back for a visit. We played at the beach, we BBQ’ed, and fun was had all around! Hope everyone else, out there, had a wonderful day…
A little late in coming…
I and my beautiful Girlfriend reached our first year marker… I know it doesn’t seem like a big thing, but it means the world to me! I’ve never had a relationship that lasted over 7 months before. Most things just don’t ussually work out for me. But, this relationship and this woman are two of…
Eyes towards the future: While we wait for updates…
… I just figured that I would drop a little line here to place some thoughts on both the events of the con and of the current/to come. So, in my opinion, ExPcon II was probably THE BEST con I have been too. I, along with all of the others, were strongly opinionated of this…
Another Thursday come and gone…
Had another DnD night with some good friends and part of the guys yesterday. No DnD was played (sadness ~_~;;) and none shall be played until after EXPcon (Epic Sadness T-T)… However, we did spend the evening over at our good friends Dryden and Schifrin’s where we ate hamburger helper and BBQ, drank a little,…
My first Blog post… *Jazz hands!*
Ahem… Sorry… All sillyness aside, I wanted to test to see if this worked and it looks like that I was successful ^_^! Now then, with that out of the way, I’d like to just post here and leave a little update for how the last AniRAGE meeting went and the week up until now:…