- Name:Rick Dupont
- Nickname:Zeke
- Hometown:Everywhere, Fl
- Duties:Acting, Writing, Directing
- Motto:If you can’t do it with passion, you shouldn’t be doing it at all.
Zeke, who claims he hails from the (sometimes) great state of Florida, is the head-writer, director, and co-founder of aniRAGE. An avid gamer, he has a passion for comedy, both sketch and improv. His unique wit and quick-thinking led him to fall in love with Whose Line is it Anyway?, which led to the creation of aniRAGE back in 2007. To this day, he loves getting on stage or in front of the camera to entertain anyone and everyone who will listen.

- Name:Jon Kerby
- Nickname:Kirby
- Hometown:Niceville, Fl
- Duties:Acting, Public Relations
- Motto:You learn something new every day, no exceptions.
Kirby is the second co-founder of aniRAGE. Often called “The Hyper One,” Kirby’s passion for anime and video games has served him well in his duties for the group. When he’s not on stage or in front of a camera to entertain the masses, Kirby chugs out videos for aniRAGE, as well as the writer for Sweet Links of the week!

- Name:John Rayborn
- Nickname:Dashi
- Hometown:Niceville, Fl
- Duties:Acting, Occasional DJ
- Motto:Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
The silent side of aniRAGE. Dashi is a definite jack of all trades. When they were making characters in dungeons and dragons and were rolling dice, Dashi went ”Hell I’ll throw them all at once!’ And he learned from his mistakes ever since. Being part DJ, part actor and part improvist, Dashi loves to be in the basking light during any performance. Though quiet at times when lost in thought, when put on the spot the results he might have in his head can tend to cause quite epic responses (or equally enjoyable eyerolls).

- Name:Jeshua Cook
- Nickname:Miroku
- Hometown:Somewhere, Usa
- Duties:Acting, Hallway Promotions
- Motto:Love God. Love People. Love life!
What do you get when you mate an ex-nightclub entertainer with a liscenced clown? More then a few bad puns, which explains alot about Jeshua. Bitten by the acting bug since childhood, Jeshua has worked hard to perform his way up to the place he is today. Whether it’s being wild and crazy for the audience, promoting aniRAGE and other events in the halls, or hamming it up with fellow cosplayers, Jeshua is (above all else) a lover of the theater, his friends/family, and everyone whom he meets.
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