Category: Con Talk
Countdown to EXP Con!
One of our favorite cons of the year, EXP Con 2010, about 11 days away! It starts Friday, October 8th at the beautiful World Golf Resort in St. Augustine. Here’s what aniRAGE has planned for you for the weekend! Whose Line is it aniRAGE? aniRAGE Presents: Anime XD aniRAGE Presents: MANime! Animebelle’s Fairy Tale Theater…
We’re BACK! An Metrocon Story…
HOLY COW, was this Weekend AWESOME or WHAT O_O!?!?!? The convention totally ROCKED! aniRAGE totally rocked the house with AnimeBelle and we brought a great show that really, REALLY brought the house down! We had a full audience down there at Ballroom A and more folks whom came in as the production continued. Everyone was…
One more day O_O!
That’s right! After Tomorrow, It’ll be Metro Time ^_^! I and Jenny shall be leaving with our friends, Shella and Eden, very shortly. This will probably be the last thing you hear from me until after Metro, so I look forward to seeing you all there ^_^! ~Miroku
Two Days…
Time to roll back the sleves and get the final preparations under way. We’ve had things packed at my house for the last few days, but now is the time to double check items and grab last second needs before we have no chance to do so. God, I am so happy ^_^! Two days…
t-minus 3 days…
Tuesday, wensday, and Thursday… That’s all we have left to wait for one of the best conventions of the year ^_^! Trying to get through work and get all final preparations completed. Today, I have to find a replacement for my broken Cell (a cheap 15-20 cell would be nice). Also, need to get the…
T-Minus 5 and counting!
HOLY COW O_O! Five days till Metrocon! Worked extra, today, so I can get out of work early on Wednesday and get myself on the road to Jax. From there, on Thursday, we’ll be off to Metro and the suspense is killing me @_@;;. All that’s left to pack are the tolietries, the masks (for…
T-minus 7 Days and counting…
One week. That’s all we have left! I hope everyone is getting their costumes finished, their parts learned, and their things packed! We’re hitting the road soon for what I know is going to be an awesome experience ^_^. Personally, I finished Grim Jr.’s Scythe today and have just about everything packed. The only thing…
9 Days till Metro O_O!
Time is treading forward! 9 days left! Time to get the last minute details done and get ready to have an awesome time ^_^. Hope to see you all there! ~Miroku
16 more days to go!
OMg! The suspense is starting to get to me XD! We’re all working around the clock to get ready and the last minute crunch IS ON! All of my cosplays but, one are ready and a few cosmetic items are needed to complete the formal Kimono’s for the masquerade. Also, it’s study, study, STUDY! We’re…
Twenty-Two days and counting!
That’s what we got till Metrocon! I’m really excited about this ^_^! I hope you all are counting the days down as eagerly as I am! Got a few more things to work out for costumes and some practicing to do for the Fairy Tale Theature, but I think this shall prove most excellent ^_~.…