Category: Dashi’s Reviews
Dashi game reviews: Dead Island as well as Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Hey Guys! It’s that time again, where I go into my massive stack of games that I have yet to touch. Thank you steam sales. And review some awesome titles! Today I will be reviewing two games that have released this year and have already beaten, Dead Island and Deus Ex: Human Revolution! Dead Island…
Dashi is not dead! : He’s thrown on a leather racing jacket and has revved it up with a review on the hit anime movie REDLINE
To be honest the last anime series that I watched was Panty and Stocking and that was a fantastic series. Afterwards I sort of went into a huge anime drought and I could get into any new anime’s like Tiger and Bunny or Madoka magica. After months of trying it seemed that I have been…
Dashi Has Gamefly!: Lets Review Titles He Has Rented! As Well as his own collection!
I have literally grown up playing video games and one of my favorite categories has to be First Person Shooters. I can thank my uncle for that, when I was about 7-8 Years old and he installed Doom and Doom 2 on my Pc I had at my house. Since then I have been addicted…
Dashi: Operation Mouse – or how I inflitrated the Magic Kingdom
Tired.. Give me a moment.. got to sit a bit and try to get my mind back on how this day was. I liked how 2 people wanted to know where I got my Tron: Legacy hoodie.. GAH train of thought lost.. hang on gotta get back on the rails. OK! I think I’m good.…