Category: General News

  • I’ve got to admit it’s getting better…

    … It’s getting better all the time. Sorry,… A little old-school song reference there. Needless to say, I’m in a fairly good mood. Gonna get some good work done tomorrow, almost completed on my masquerade mask (and Jenny’s) for Metrocon, and just loving life in general. Progress for Metro is a little slower then expected,…

  • Times, Tides, Business, Working, Upgrades, Iron Man, ..busy posting 😀

    How’s everyone doing? This is awkward, trying to figure out my newest post on the  log but.. im quite sure I’ll download a application to post on my taskbar for easier publishing. Working fulltime for compusa, enjoying my job on and off, the people are awesome.  My tech crew are tech, I upgraded my computer…

  • EXP Con Website

    The guys over at EXP Con have recently overhauled there site, and it looks farking awesome! Make sure to register on the forums there to join in on the zaniness. EXP Con has quickly become our favorite con to go to, so go give them some love! -Zeke

  • The Superbowl.

    All I can say is two words… WHO DAT? -Zeke


    Our friends at have recently done a major overhaul to their site. It looks awesome. Check it out at! Tell them anirage sent you and get a 25% discount! (note: discount may or may not be honored. We just made it up). -Zeke