Category: Sweet Links of the Week

  • S.L.O.T.W. – Hungry Edition!!! (Japan Flavored)

    Welcome to a japanese food editon of SLOTW! You may be all aware, we’re always munching on all kinds of food.  And one of my favorite kinds of food happens to come from Japan!  And THAT is exactly what this SLOTW’s is all about! So to kick it off: Say you have a craving for…

  • SLOTW – Revivals!

    So sorry for the MORE than tardy edition of SLOTW! I apologize for the long extended wait.  It’s been a tumultuous few weeks, so I’ve been needing to hammer down links this time.  Preparing for EXPCon AND ShadoCon can be hard work sometimes. Well without further ado, here are this week’s links: Jetpacks?  On my…

  • S.L.O.T.W. #3 – 3D Glasses not required!

    Welcome back to another edition of SWEET LINKS OF THE WEEK!  This week features an all video edition of sweet links for you all to enjoy!   Some Duke Nukem Eternity – It’s been heard all around the gaming community how  3D Realms finally shut down, taking Duke Nukem Forever down with it.  Well apparently some…

  • S.L.O.T.W. #2 – Electric Boogaloo

    Hey guys, Kirby here again, to bring you our next selections of our Sweet Links of the Week!  It’s been a long week for me, but I can say for sure that I’m as impressed with this week’s selection of links as you’ll hopefully be! And now off to the links! 3-year old gaming future…


    I’m proud to debut aniRAGE’s newest weekly feature for the website, Sweet Links of the Week! This is our newest feature on the aniRAGE website, and I’m here to tell you all about what SLOTW is all about These are small portion of some of the most fun, wacky, and cool things you can find…