Category: Uncategorized

  • SLOTW – Reality and video games augmented into one big awesome pile!

    Growing up, I always wondered what it would be like if certain event happened in real life, what kinds of experiences would I have?  Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who stepped through the portal to the other dimension… Real life and video games.  It’s more hand in hand than you think.  Whether it’s a…

  • Cake: Delicious For Your Mouth and Your Ears! And That’s No Lie.

    I’ve always been a quiet fan of the band Cake. I’d listen to their singles on the radio, but I never actively sought out their music. One day at work “Short Skirt / Long Jacket” came on the radio, and one trip through Youtube later got me hankering for more! I quickly went home and…

  • A day for Anime come and gone…

    So, Anime Day Orlando has come and gone but, we really had a blast being able to walkaround and hang out with everyone ^_^! I took a few pics while we were there which I hope to host very soon! Anyways, we hope you all had as great a time as we had and we’ll…

  • Orlando aniRAGE Day

    dash, Zeke, and Jeshua have made it to Orlando for Orlando Anime Day! So therefore it is now Orlando aniRAGE Day. Keep an eye out for Zeke, he’ll have the camera, and later in the day they might even shoot some videos! -zeke

  • He’s Getting the aniRAGE Bump #4

    Our good friend Johnny C has been doing the internet show “Dose of Johnny C” for a couple years now. And he’s finally ready to go live with his website: Dose of Johnny C! This dude is funny, and he knows no boundaries! Make sure to check his stuff out! Tell him aniRAGE sent you…

  • 6 days till Orlando Anime Day

    Really looking forward to getting to see everyone there! It should really be a blast ^_^! We’ve got some plans cooking in the aniRAGE! kitchen, so stay tuned ^_~.

  • Happy New Year Everyone!

    Alright! everyone wanted me to review this series.. so Im going to go ahead and review the Twilight series.. since That Jacob us such a stud.. NOPE, Its Movie review time again! and I’m starting another five part blockbuster I dub.. COEN New Year! why I made it like that? Because we had Jeff Bridgemas…

  • Warning: Read This Before Playing Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood

    There are a few things I need to warn you guys about before you settle in to play this awesome game. 1) Prepare to learn a foreign language (or two). Assassin’s Creed has a wonderful feature called Subtitles. Normally these are distracting letters that appear on the bottom of the screen during cut scenes. However…

  • Welcome to 1-1-11!

    Aka, HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE! Looking forward to seeing you all again , here, in the New Year ^_^! ~Miroku

  • aniRAGE! Year in review: Miroku’s Favorites list

    Greetings and Salutations, Everybody! As most of you well know, today is the very last day of the year 2K10! Having seen Zeke list his favorite albums/Soundtracks made me want to take a moment to list some of my favorites of this year as well! So, without further adieu, I’m going to list a few…