Category: Uncategorized
The Conclusion of Jeff Bridgemas! – True Grit
As 2010 retires for the year we look back at awesome movies and video games of the year, as I havent really done a Video game review of 2010 and leaving that up to Sibby, I will finish what I started as I call the famous Holiday, Jeff Bridgemas. The Last movie of my mini-series…
Merry Christmas fro aniRAGE!
Hey everyone! On behalf of all of aniRAGE I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy Holidays to everyone! Remember that today is about family, friends, love…. And most importantly, PRESENTS! So I hope you all get a good haul! And we’ll see you again soon! -Zeke
Christmas countdown: 5 Days
Oh, come all ye faithful and Deck the halls with boughs of joy! It’s CHRISTMAS in t-minus 5 days and counting! I hope everyone’s been good this year (or reasonably decent in behavior). Anyways, with the big day coming up, I just wanted to say that I’m really REALLY looking forward to getting to spend…
This Just in…
We interrupt the AWESOMENESS of the Amv BetaVash discovered to bring you this report… CHRISTMAS IS IN 6 DAYS!!! We now return you to your regularly schedule Net browsing. Thank you. ~Miroku
WTF Nintendo
So yeah today I was looking over the new pokemon for black and white and noticed something. A lot of the new Pokemon’s shiny forms look way to similar to their normal forms. I mean hell one was just a change of the eye color. Imagine this: you’re running along in the tall grass, and…
Its Jeff Bridgemas time!
Happy holiday season everyone! As the winter weather gets colder.. you tend to enjoy keeping warm those winter nights snuggled up in your favorite blanket watching holiday classics.. well for me it has been a Jeff Bridges christmas as he is starring in a lot of releases this december season. Tron: Legacy and True Grit.…
The pictures are coming!
They’re almost here! Just in time for the holidays, Zeke has offered to assist in the process and We should have these pictures posted here VERY SOON! So, keep an eye open and we’ll catch ya here soon (and you may catch yourself here, too)! ~Miroku
Miroku’s Picture update
Alright! I finished all the edits and decided to get to hosting them when I ran into another problem… Seems that all the pictures were taken in HD mod which makes them Gi-Normous O_O! So,… I am now shrinking them to managable sizes. As soon as I get done, I will be hosting these pictures.…
Kirby’s Corner – Games to get addicted to! – Minecraft
As I stroll through the internet, you get bored, and decide to stroll through the interwebs for something entertaining and to be very honest, addicting. Something to take your mind off of the daily stresses of life, and suck you into another world altogether. Well these are some of the many examples of “Games to…