Category: Uncategorized
Whose Line is it aniRAGE? Shadocon 2010 – Director’s Cut – Special Guests Doug Walker and EgoRaptor
Click to Play A relatively new game, but already a favorite…it’s Director’s Cut! ;Played at ShadoCon 2010.Special Guests Doug Walker and Arin Hanson.
Whose Line is it aniRAGE? ShadoCon 2010 – Photo Album – Special Guests Doug Walker and EgoRaptor
Click to Play A brand new, never before played game! ;Doug and Arin act out Zeke and Dashi’s trip to Walmart!Special Guests Doug Walker and Arin Hanson
Whose Line is it aniRAGE? Shadocon 2010 – World’s Worst – Special Guests Doug Walker and EgoRaptor
Click to Play Another one of our favorite games: World’s Worst! ;Watch we we come up with the world’s worst examples of some hilarious prompts!Special Guests: Doug Walker and Arin Hanson
Whose Line is it aniRAGE? Shadocon 2010 – Press Conference – Special Guests EgoRaptor and Doug Walker
Click to Play A great classic game in the aniRAGE lineup: Press Conference! ;Can Dashi guess who he is and what he is announcing! ;Performed at ShadoCon 2010.Special Guests: Doug Walker and Arin Hanson
Whose Line is it aniRAGE? Shadocon 2010 – Intros and F With Baby – Special Guests Doug Walker and EgoRaptor
Click to Play The Introductions to our Whose Line is it aniRAGE? panel at ShadoCon 2010, as well as our first game: F With Baby!Special Guests: Doug Walker and Arin Hanson
Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt.1
Just got back from the $5 matinee where I, my fiancee, and family went to see the latest adventure of everyones favorite wizard. Now, note, I have NEVER read any of the Harry potter books and know (just from sheer astetics) that the books were/are MUCH better. However, that being said, I think that the…
Another great AnimeBelle Meeting!
I had to work today, so I didn’t get to stay long, but Anime Belle threw a wonderful club meeting / Thanksgiving party! Kudos to Ashley and the crew for putting it together and to everyone whom attended and/or brought food. It was tasty AND delicious. ~Miroku
I figured out how to sync my wordpress account with my phone.. expect more dashi blog posts mwahahahaha!
T minus 1 day…
Strap on your seat belt kids and hold on tight! There’s just ONE MORE DAY til ShadoCon in Tampa, Florida! Most of “aniRAGE!” will be making it’s way up to the convention today while the remainder will be arriving tomorrow evening. In both cases, we’ve got ALOT of fun and surprises in store for everyone…
Anime XD Anime List
Before I list all the anime shown at EXPCon’s Anime XD, I want to take a bit of time to personally thank each and everyone of you guys for coming to all of our aniRAGE panels at EXPCon! If it wasn’t for the support of fans such as yourselves, we wouldn’t continue to perform! I…