Category: Uncategorized

  • Back online and in Jacksonville!

    OMG O_O! We’re back in business, folks ^_^! Glad that Zeke got the system back up and operational ^_~. Anyways, like the title suggests, I’ve finally found my way over to jacksonville and, let me tell you, this place is HUGE O_O! I haven’t even covered a third of this city yet and I’m already…

  • Zeke Vlog: TNA Slammiversary 2010

    Click to Play Zeke caught TNA’s June PPV: Slammiversary. What did he think?

  • A very special Day, TODAY!

    Just wanted to let everyone know that on today, a few years ago, Ashley Clark of was born… Therefore, it’s her B-day Today and we would all, very much, Like to wish her a very happy Birthday and a wonderful and prosperous year to come! On a personal note, I pray that God blesses…

  • hello

    This is Sibby. Despite rumors im not dead, that’s kirby….which was an accident.

  • One too many burgers?

    Me thinks that we ate, yesterday, at the beach party… As I reported, we all had a blast, but something has now hit me and Jenny (Jenny worse then I) that has us feeling under the weather a bit today… Anyways, I hope no one else is feeling ill today. At any rate, though, life…

  • Just got back…

    … From an excellent day at the beach, visiting with some of the aniRAGE crew, our friends, and a dear friend whom has been living in Washington but, came back for a visit. We played at the beach, we BBQ’ed, and fun was had all around! Hope everyone else, out there, had a wonderful day…

  • A little late in coming…

    I and my beautiful Girlfriend reached our first year marker… I know it doesn’t seem like a big thing, but it means the world to me! I’ve never had a relationship that lasted over 7 months before. Most things just don’t ussually work out for me. But, this relationship and this woman are two of…

  • Calling All Magic Nerds.

    A couple years ago, due to the fact that I talked to a lot of Magic judges online, I was introduced to a format called Elder Dragon Highlander, or EDH for short.  I’ve always been a fan of variant formats, especially highlander formats.  So this definitely peaked my interested. The rules are simple, and you…

  • EXP Con 2009 – Whose Line is it aniRAGE? – Emotions

    A new game is debuted at EXP Con!  It’s Emotions! -Zeke

  • Note to all who visit

    We’re all at EXPCon be back on Monday _Sibby