Category: Video Game Review
Dashi game reviews: Dead Island as well as Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Hey Guys! It’s that time again, where I go into my massive stack of games that I have yet to touch. Thank you steam sales. And review some awesome titles! Today I will be reviewing two games that have released this year and have already beaten, Dead Island and Deus Ex: Human Revolution! Dead Island…
Dashi Has Gamefly!: Lets Review Titles He Has Rented! As Well as his own collection!
I have literally grown up playing video games and one of my favorite categories has to be First Person Shooters. I can thank my uncle for that, when I was about 7-8 Years old and he installed Doom and Doom 2 on my Pc I had at my house. Since then I have been addicted…
Zeke’s Top 5 Hottest Poke-Babes
Top 5 Pokemon Babes Pokemon has some hot chicas, and everybody has their favorites. But this here list is all mine. If you have your own favorites, feel free to add them in the comments! #5: Flannery She’s a red-hot red-head in every sense of the world. Being the fire-trainer of the Hoenn region, she…
SLOTW – Watch as I spell your D.O.O.M.!
It’s no secret that DOOM is largely considered the godfather of the First Person Shooter genre of games. Released in 1993 by id Software, it popularized and revolutionized this genre of gaming for generations to come. As controversial as it was, it was also extremely popular. But more than that, it also allowed customization in…
BroDude’s Games for Dudes, Bro – Call of Duty: Black Ops
Click to Play Your most excellent host, BroDude93x77, talks about what should already be your favorite game of all time…Call of Duty: Black Ops.
Zeke Vlog: Sony E3 Keynote
Click to Play Sony was the last of the Big 3 to do their keynote, and they concentrated on 3D and The Move. ;How did they do?
Zeke Vlog: Nintendo E3 Keynote
Click to Play Zeke’s thoughts on the games and hardware introduced by Nintendo at E3 this year. ;Did they do better or worse than Microsoft?
Zeke Vlog: Microsoft E3 Keynote
Click to Play Zeke gives his thoughts on Microsoft’s E3 Keynote, from the games to the Kinect and new XBox 360 hardware.
Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines
I picked up a copy of this today in lue of Assassin’s Creed 2, mainly cause I could play this one right away. And I gotta say it is done very well. I’m only in the first city and I’m impressed. Instead of one big city, they set each into their sections to help reduce…