aniRAGE: Serious Funny Business

  • SLOTW – Watch as I spell your D.O.O.M.!

    It’s no secret that DOOM is largely considered the godfather of the First Person Shooter genre of games.  Released in 1993 by id Software, it popularized and revolutionized this genre of gaming for generations to come.  As controversial as it was, it was also extremely popular.  But more than that, it also allowed customization in…

  • 6 days till Orlando Anime Day

    Really looking forward to getting to see everyone there! It should really be a blast ^_^! We’ve got some plans cooking in the aniRAGE! kitchen, so stay tuned ^_~.

  • aniRAGE Invades Orlando Anime Day!

    Orlando Anime Day is Saturday, January 22nd, in (for those who are oblivious) Orlando, Fl. Zeke, Dashi, and Miroku of aniRAGE will be there (with some friends) to hang out, interact, take pictures, and maybe even have a surprise or two for everyone. No Whose Line panel this time, but that doesn’t mean that we…

  • Site Commenting System Update

    Hey Guys, your friendly neighorhood webmaster Zeke here. Due to some unfortunate increases in spam-like activity in the comment section, registration is now required to post comments. But hey, it’s fast, it’s easy, and it’s free! We look forward to talking with you guys soon! -Zeke

  • Dashi: Operation Mouse – or how I inflitrated the Magic Kingdom

    Tired.. Give me a moment.. got to sit a bit and try to get my mind back on how this day was. I liked how 2 people wanted to know where I got my Tron: Legacy hoodie.. GAH train of thought lost.. hang on gotta get back on the rails. OK! I think I’m good.…

  • Happy New Year Everyone!

    Alright! everyone wanted me to review this series.. so Im going to go ahead and review the Twilight series.. since That Jacob us such a stud.. NOPE, Its Movie review time again! and I’m starting another five part blockbuster I dub.. COEN New Year! why I made it like that? Because we had Jeff Bridgemas…

  • Warning: Read This Before Playing Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood

    There are a few things I need to warn you guys about before you settle in to play this awesome game. 1) Prepare to learn a foreign language (or two). Assassin’s Creed has a wonderful feature called Subtitles. Normally these are distracting letters that appear on the bottom of the screen during cut scenes. However…

  • Sibby Reviews – Red Dead Redemption

    The old west never looked so good. Recently I picked up a copy of Red Dead Redemption,with never playing the first one, and began playing it with utmost excitement. The game starts out as any other game with the government telling a man to kill another so that he can save his family. You are…

  • Editor’s Note

    (The high quality version can be downloaded at this site) Making a music video to explain a series or character can be very difficult. Most of the time, the video has to change to match the song. This can usually drop the quality of the video, especially for people who have seen the series. So what…

  • Welcome to 1-1-11!

    Aka, HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE! Looking forward to seeing you all again , here, in the New Year ^_^! ~Miroku