aniRAGE: Serious Funny Business
Christmas countdown: 5 Days
Oh, come all ye faithful and Deck the halls with boughs of joy! It’s CHRISTMAS in t-minus 5 days and counting! I hope everyone’s been good this year (or reasonably decent in behavior). Anyways, with the big day coming up, I just wanted to say that I’m really REALLY looking forward to getting to spend…
This Just in…
We interrupt the AWESOMENESS of the Amv BetaVash discovered to bring you this report… CHRISTMAS IS IN 6 DAYS!!! We now return you to your regularly schedule Net browsing. Thank you. ~Miroku
Editor’s Note
Anime Music Videos, AMVs, are a great way for anime fans to express their creativity. Finding songs and anime to combine and create an entertaining video may be difficult, but enough effort will always form something to be proud of. “Editor’s Note” takes a look at some AMVs and gives them a critique of the…
Tron: Legacy.. Ive been to The Grid and back.. and I loved it..
Tron Legacy Took 28 years to make.. That’s a hell of a long time to wait for a movie’s sequel to come out, when I heard the previews at Comicon 2009 that there was going to be a sequel to tron I almost busted a Digital Nut. Ive been following the movie’s announcement since 2009…
WTF Nintendo
So yeah today I was looking over the new pokemon for black and white and noticed something. A lot of the new Pokemon’s shiny forms look way to similar to their normal forms. I mean hell one was just a change of the eye color. Imagine this: you’re running along in the tall grass, and…
aniRAGE Year In Review: Zeke’s Top Movie of 2010
Zeke’s Top Movie of 2010 There were a lot of excellent movies that came out this year, and even some that are still slated for release. However by far there is one that stood out among all the others in my eyes. It may not have the best of any one thing, and may not…
aniRAGE Year In Review – Zeke’s Games of the Year
Zeke’s Games of the Year: As part of the aniRAGE Year In Review, this will list my picks for Games of the Year. I have seperated them into 5 categories: Major Releases, or games that came out this year that were sold at full retail price, and were full fledged games. Downloadable Games, games that…
Its Jeff Bridgemas time!
Happy holiday season everyone! As the winter weather gets colder.. you tend to enjoy keeping warm those winter nights snuggled up in your favorite blanket watching holiday classics.. well for me it has been a Jeff Bridges christmas as he is starring in a lot of releases this december season. Tron: Legacy and True Grit.…
S.L.O.T.W. – New format, same awesomeness!
After much debate, and careful consideration (for all of 5 minutes), SLOTW will actually change it’s format! Instead of two or three links, we’ll instead focus on one single topic and provide you with some links in reference to that topic! It’ll allow me to focus more on one topic instead of multiple ones. So…
The pictures are coming!
They’re almost here! Just in time for the holidays, Zeke has offered to assist in the process and We should have these pictures posted here VERY SOON! So, keep an eye open and we’ll catch ya here soon (and you may catch yourself here, too)! ~Miroku