aniRAGE: Serious Funny Business
Whose Line is it aniRAGE? Shadocon 2010 – Intros and F With Baby – Special Guests Doug Walker and EgoRaptor
Click to Play The Introductions to our Whose Line is it aniRAGE? panel at ShadoCon 2010, as well as our first game: F With Baby!Special Guests: Doug Walker and Arin Hanson
Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt.1
Just got back from the $5 matinee where I, my fiancee, and family went to see the latest adventure of everyones favorite wizard. Now, note, I have NEVER read any of the Harry potter books and know (just from sheer astetics) that the books were/are MUCH better. However, that being said, I think that the…
Sibby reviews: Assassin Creed: Brotherhood
Well it’s that time. The time where I review the latest game that I beat. This time it was Assassins Creed: Brotherhood. You play as Desmond reliving the life of his ancestor Ezio Auditore. This time the action takes place in Rome where the Borgia family has come to power and have forced the people…
Another great AnimeBelle Meeting!
I had to work today, so I didn’t get to stay long, but Anime Belle threw a wonderful club meeting / Thanksgiving party! Kudos to Ashley and the crew for putting it together and to everyone whom attended and/or brought food. It was tasty AND delicious. ~Miroku
I figured out how to sync my wordpress account with my phone.. expect more dashi blog posts mwahahahaha!
Aaaand We’re Back!
Evening everyone your fellow aniRAGEr Dashi here with a update. Why? Because why not! It’s time for a weekly review of stuff Dashi saw on the internet, as well as stuff he rented through netflix as well as gamefly! So here we go! The Internets: Gorillaz Offical Video for Doncamatic: The first time I heard…
Top 5 Comic Babes Who Need To Wear More Clothes (But God Bless Them For Not)
Top 5 Comic Babes Who Need To Wear More Clothes (But God Bless Them For Not) #5: Power Girl Power Girl probably wears more clothes than anyone else on this list. But look at that strange “viewing hole” in the middle of her chest. Is there a point to it? Some say that it was…
They’re Getting the aniRAGE Bump #3
Our friends over at GigaBoots are experiencing some well-deserved success, so what the hay, let’s add some more to it! They do some extremely high quality video reviews and Let’s Play! videos. So go and check them out! Tell them aniRAGE sent you to get 20% off any purchase! -Zeke (p.s. 20% off discount does…
They came from Shadocon….
And they would be the video’s of our practice at Shadocon aniRAGE presents: Shadocon practice #1 with special guests Nostalgia Critic and Egoraptor -Sibby
Miroku’s ShadoCon pics…
Speaking of things that are also coming soon, I should have all of the photos that I took at ShadoCon up for the review of everyone here soon! So, hang on just a little longer and we’ll catch you here on!