aniRAGE: Serious Funny Business

  • Coming Soon to an aniRAGE Near You…

    16 Bits of Bliss. More info coming soon. (*insert dramatic musical score here*) -Zeke

  • aniRAGE is expanding it’s reach!

    We are proud to announce that we are expanding our borders and are now posting our videos on Funny Or Die! It’s got some great videos on there already, so we hope you will also enjoy our modest productions! aniRAGE on Funny Or Die. -Zeke

  • Have monster? Will register!

    So,… Like most of us, I got back from ShadoCon, a couple of days ago, and have been busy catching up on work ever since… As such, I hadn’t had alot of time to catch up on things until last night when I found I had a message from a dear friend. In the letter,…

  • BroDude’s Games for Dudes, Bro – Call of Duty: Black Ops

    Click to Play Your most excellent host, BroDude93x77, talks about what should already be your favorite game of all time…Call of Duty: Black Ops.

  • They’re Getting the aniRAGE Bump #2

    Here’s another great write-up of ShadoCon 2010 with some excellent pictures. And of course they mention how wonderful aniRAGE is, but that didn’t sway our decision AT ALL. The blog is called Mission Cosplay. She has put up some very nice pictures, and has even uploaded some sweet videos from ShadoCon, including our Press Conference…

  • Happy Scott Pilgrim vs The World on BluRay/DVD Day!

    Today is the day! Hands down my favorite movie of the year is coming out on DVD and BluRay. Sadly I am poor as hell right now, so i don’t have any spare funds, or else I’d be rushing out to get it. Wait, tomorrow is pay day. VICTORY WILL BE MINE (in about 12-24…

  • He’s getting the aniRAGE Bump #1

    An awesome dude we met at ShadoCon, Gregory Prytyka Jr., posted a report on his experiences at ShadoCon! Of course he mentions our Whose Line is it aniRAGE? panel! Go check it out, he’s posted some pics. And Greg, make sure to check back here, cause we are going to have some videos up soon!…

  • ShadoCon 2010 is in the books!

    I just got home from ShadoCon 2010. Man, what an amazing weekend! I’d like to thank Doug Walker and EgoRaptor for joining us in our first-ever 2-hours improv panel. It was already going to be a great time,a nd you made it even more special! Of course we’d love to thank Animebelle for letting us…

  • T minus 1 day…

    Strap on your seat belt kids and hold on tight! There’s just ONE MORE DAY til ShadoCon in Tampa, Florida! Most of “aniRAGE!” will be making it’s way up to the convention today while the remainder will be arriving tomorrow evening. In both cases, we’ve got ALOT of fun and surprises in store for everyone…

  • T minus 2 and counting…

    Just 2 more days till Shadocon! God knows I’m excited ^_^. Had a little setback happen, but nothing that’ll stop this monk from making it ^_~. So, don’t touch that dial! We’ll be catching you soon! ~Miroku