aniRAGE: Serious Funny Business
S.L.O.T.W. #2 – Electric Boogaloo
Hey guys, Kirby here again, to bring you our next selections of our Sweet Links of the Week! It’s been a long week for me, but I can say for sure that I’m as impressed with this week’s selection of links as you’ll hopefully be! And now off to the links! 3-year old gaming future…
New podcast
my newest podcast is up and is about the latest season of Doctor Who
Guess What?
It’s here. What is to be many of my podcasts. So listen in and enjoy.
16 more days to go!
OMg! The suspense is starting to get to me XD! We’re all working around the clock to get ready and the last minute crunch IS ON! All of my cosplays but, one are ready and a few cosmetic items are needed to complete the formal Kimono’s for the masquerade. Also, it’s study, study, STUDY! We’re…
I’m proud to debut aniRAGE’s newest weekly feature for the website, Sweet Links of the Week! This is our newest feature on the aniRAGE website, and I’m here to tell you all about what SLOTW is all about These are small portion of some of the most fun, wacky, and cool things you can find…
Check it out, Facebook-ers!
Miroku here! I’ve been doing some upgrading to my page and have now added pictures of my past Cosplays and some past events for us at Anime Express 12!! So drop on over to the profile, drop a “Howdy!”, or just check out some great pics! Look me up under “Jeshua Cook” ^_~. Btw, 20…
Twenty-Two days and counting!
That’s what we got till Metrocon! I’m really excited about this ^_^! I hope you all are counting the days down as eagerly as I am! Got a few more things to work out for costumes and some practicing to do for the Fairy Tale Theature, but I think this shall prove most excellent ^_~.…
Zeke Vlog: WWE NXT 6-29
Click to Play The first Pro’s Poll is in. ;How did it compare to Zeke’s own picks? What did he think of the show?
Zeke Vlog: Fanaticism
Click to Play There has been a lot of Apple talk in the news lately, epsecially about the iPhone 4. ;And Zeke has had enough of all of it.
Another friend of aniRage grows older!
Our dear friend Angie turned 22 (or was it 23?) Yesterday! I haven’t had a chance to get on a PC to announce it, though, but I do want to extended a belated Birthday wish of happiness and an awesome year to her, from all of us here at aniRAGE ^_^! Much love to ya,…