aniRAGE: Serious Funny Business
Back from the Dead?
Zeke here! It’s been a while since something was posted here, so I am doing something to change that. You might wonder what aniRAGE has been up to reccently. Well let me tell you, nothing good! Mwua ha ha ha ha. Ha ha. Hurm. Er. Anyway. Behind the scenes, aniRAGE has been busy concocting some…
EXP Con Website
The guys over at EXP Con have recently overhauled there site, and it looks farking awesome! Make sure to register on the forums there to join in on the zaniness. EXP Con has quickly become our favorite con to go to, so go give them some love! -Zeke
The Superbowl.
All I can say is two words… WHO DAT? -Zeke
Calling All Magic Nerds.
A couple years ago, due to the fact that I talked to a lot of Magic judges online, I was introduced to a format called Elder Dragon Highlander, or EDH for short. I’ve always been a fan of variant formats, especially highlander formats. So this definitely peaked my interested. The rules are simple, and you…
James Cameron’s next project is WHAT?!?
So the almighty James Cameron, who you know as the director of Avatar (okay seriously, if you don’t know that, come out from under the rock.) already has plans for his next movie! And hearing that there’s going to be an Avatar sequel in the works, I couldn’t help but wonder what stories would come…
aniRAGE is coming to Anime Express 12!
That’s right folks, Anime Express is back! And with it comes aniRAGE! This will be our third year in a row returning to this con. We love it. It’s a small con, but the people are great. Come on by Emery Riddle on April 16-18 and enjoy the wonderful Daytona weather. -Zeke
Our friends at have recently done a major overhaul to their site. It looks awesome. Check it out at! Tell them anirage sent you and get a 25% discount! (note: discount may or may not be honored. We just made it up). -Zeke
aniRAGE Toy Talk: Dragon Dagger
Zeke here with a new seriesL aniRAGE Toy Talk! Let’s face it, we all love the toys of our childhood. And I…I love Power Rangers. Still do, to this day. So when I heard that they were going to be remastering Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and reshowing it, I was excited. Because that meant the…
Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines
I picked up a copy of this today in lue of Assassin’s Creed 2, mainly cause I could play this one right away. And I gotta say it is done very well. I’m only in the first city and I’m impressed. Instead of one big city, they set each into their sections to help reduce…
EXP Con 2009 – Whose Line is it aniRAGE? – Ask aniRAGE
Our favorite way to close out a performance! -Zeke