aniRAGE: Serious Funny Business

  • Fairy Tale Theater

    At Metrocon 2009, Animebelle teamed up with aniRAGE and produced the Fairy Tale Theater.  All the fales were rewrote and narrated by Anna May Belle herself, with aniRAGE and several other great actors playing the roles.  Two videos are already up about it. Noh Theater is Better Than No Theater – starring Kerby and Zeke…

  • Vidya City Stories: Deadly Kombat Chapter 3 is up!

    Check out the latest chapter in the Vidya City Stories series. It’s the final chapter in the Deadly Kombat arc! -Zeke

  • Double Up

    so i just watched the first episode of Kamen Rider W, and let me say this, “geee.” For those who don’t know, W is the newest Kamen Rider following Decade. The catch with this one is that the rider is actually 2 people who become one, with each person controlling a half of the rider…

  • By Upload.. for my sanity and me trying to improv a improv..


  • MY FIRST POST! 😀 ..heres a video

    Mark Hamil being like.. kirby I smell Ham.. :3

  • Seriously Marvel? What the hell? Disney is acquiring Marvel Comics? The Fuck?

  • The end of a decade

    Well today marks the final episode of the newest kamen rider, Kamen Rider Decade. And whoever decided on ending it like they did deserves to be shot more than John Meyer for rerecording “Free Falling”, and yes he deserves to be shot for that, maybe two or three times just to be sure he doesn’t…

  • Vidya City Stories: Deadly Kombat

    Like video games? Like Film Noir?  Like stories?  Check out my latest creation: Vidya City Stories.  It follows Jim Ease as he solves crimes and fights the good fight in Vidya City: the real-life city where all video game characters were based on.  Wanna know more?  Go to to read all about it.  Right…

  • Sibby update

    my OS died, kora. fixed it, kora. drivers updated, kora. no real data lost, kora -Sibbynelo i was reading REBORN! so shoot me, kora

  • EarthBound. Quirky, fun, pop-culture laden, and seriously disturbing (well, at the end, anyways)

    If you’re a gamer in the biggest sense (Yes, I’m looking at you) then you might have heard of an SNES RPG called EarthBound. Heck, some of you might have even played EarthBound. Or better yet, some of you actually OWNED an actual copy of EarthBound. For those who don’t know what EarthBound is, gather…