aniRAGE: Serious Funny Business
New Video: Blaz Black n Blue
The game Blaz Blue was an unexpected hit, and one of the best games of the year. However, it tends to make people a little…competative.
Some personal news and victories.
This has nothing to do with aniRAGE, but today I am celebrating my 9-month anniversary with my wonderful girlfriend, Kayla. It’s the longest relationship that I’ve had in a really long time…so I just felt the need to say it. I love you baby! -Zeke
New facebook address!
Well, it’s finally been fixed. Check us out at !
Team Up Goodness
The first video from the aniRAGE/Project SPF collaboration is up. Yeah, we kinda look like the butt of the joke in it, but it’s to a good effect. Hope you enjoy!
Team Up Awesomeness…and other news.
Last Saturday, aniRAGE and Project SPF got together for some filming. It was a great time, and it was interesting for me personally to see how differently in some aspects, and how similar in others, another group goes about filming. There were two skits filmed, one should be available soon and the other will take…
aniRAGE and SPF team up!
If you haven’t seen the myspace yet, aniRAGE is teaming up with the guys over at Project SPF! Never heard of Project SPF? Well you will now! A couple of their members are good friends of ours, so it only seemed natural that we team up for skits and all around fun! We haven’t started…
aniRAGE is now on Facebook!
Come join aniRAGE on Facebook. We are getting back into that whole “social networking” thingy that seems to be all the rage nowadays. I resisted at first, but if anything, it’ll help us get our name out there, and help promote the cons we are going to. Come check us out! aniRAGE on Facebook! Note:…
This Is aniRAGE: Kerby Gone Wild
Oh my. It seems Kerby has gotten a little excited about EXP Con. -Zeke
New Video Coming Soon
Man on man, today was another great day of filming. Hopefully this video will be up soon. In other news, we practiced a new improv game today. It’s called “Freeze”, as well as “Freeze Tag”. It was fun, but I’m not sure if it’ll make it into our repertoire. It’s most effective when several people…
This Is aniRAGE: S.D.S.
A new video for you guys. aniRAGE find out the hard way what happens when Steve Downes comes to an anime con. -Zeke