Tag: convention

  • T-Minus 5 and counting!

    HOLY COW O_O! Five days till Metrocon! Worked extra, today, so I can get out of work early on Wednesday and get myself on the road to Jax. From there, on Thursday, we’ll be off to Metro and the suspense is killing me @_@;;. All that’s left to pack are the tolietries, the masks (for…

  • T-minus 7 Days and counting…

    One week. That’s all we have left! I hope everyone is getting their costumes finished, their parts learned, and their things packed! We’re hitting the road soon for what I know is going to be an awesome experience ^_^. Personally, I finished Grim Jr.’s Scythe today and have just about everything packed. The only thing…

  • 9 Days till Metro O_O!

    Time is treading forward! 9 days left! Time to get the last minute details done and get ready to have an awesome time ^_^. Hope to see you all there! ~Miroku

  • 16 more days to go!

    OMg! The suspense is starting to get to me XD! We’re all working around the clock to get ready and the last minute crunch IS ON! All of my cosplays but, one are ready and a few cosmetic items are needed to complete the formal Kimono’s for the masquerade. Also, it’s study, study, STUDY! We’re…

  • Twenty-Two days and counting!

    That’s what we got till Metrocon! I’m really excited about this ^_^! I hope you all are counting the days down as eagerly as I am! Got a few more things to work out for costumes and some practicing to do for the Fairy Tale Theature, but I think this shall prove most excellent ^_~.…

  • Counting down to Metro…

    Five more weeks till Metrocon and I’m stoked! Trying to get all last minute items done and planned performance items learned. This is REALLY going to be a great convention! I really can’t wait till it gets here. ~Miroku

  • Anime Express 12

    aniRAGE is back, safe and sound, from Anime Express!  It was a great time, and we were happy to see so many great and awesome people over the weekend.  We had some great panels, and we hope to have some pictures up soon! Stay tuned for more great aniRAGE stuff coming down the pipeline! -Zeke

  • Anime Express is coming soon!

    Hey everybody! Zeke here to remind everyone that this weekend is Anime Express. It’s over at Emery-Riddle in Daytona Beach, so make sure to come around and see us. We have a ton of stuff planned. In fact, us and our friends over at animebelle.com have a room to ourselves all weekend, and we are…

  • aniRAGE is coming to Anime Express 12!

    That’s right folks, Anime Express is back!  And with it comes aniRAGE!  This will be our third year in a row returning to this con.  We love it.  It’s a small con, but the people are great.  Come on by Emery Riddle on April 16-18 and enjoy the wonderful Daytona weather. -Zeke

  • EXP Con 2009 – Whose Line is it aniRAGE? – Ask aniRAGE

    Our favorite way to close out a performance! -Zeke