Tag: review

  • aniRAGE Year In Review: Zeke’s Top Movie of 2010

    Zeke’s Top Movie of 2010 There were a lot of excellent movies that came out this year, and even some that are still slated for release. However by far there is one that stood out among all the others in my eyes. It may not have the best of any one thing, and may not…

  • Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt.1

    Just got back from the $5 matinee where I, my fiancee, and family went to see the latest adventure of everyones favorite wizard. Now, note, I have NEVER read any of the Harry potter books and know (just from sheer astetics) that the books were/are MUCH better. However, that being said, I think that the…

  • Top 5 Comic Babes Who Need To Wear More Clothes (But God Bless Them For Not)

    Top 5 Comic Babes Who Need To Wear More Clothes (But God Bless Them For Not) #5: Power Girl Power Girl probably wears more clothes than anyone else on this list. But look at that strange “viewing hole” in the middle of her chest. Is there a point to it? Some say that it was…

  • They’re Getting the aniRAGE Bump #3

    Our friends over at GigaBoots are experiencing some well-deserved success, so what the hay, let’s add some more to it! They do some extremely high quality video reviews and Let’s Play! videos. So go and check them out! Tell them aniRAGE sent you to get 20% off any purchase! -Zeke (p.s. 20% off discount does…

  • They’re Getting the aniRAGE Bump #2

    Here’s another great write-up of ShadoCon 2010 with some excellent pictures. And of course they mention how wonderful aniRAGE is, but that didn’t sway our decision AT ALL. The blog is called Mission Cosplay. She has put up some very nice pictures, and has even uploaded some sweet videos from ShadoCon, including our Press Conference…

  • Happy Scott Pilgrim vs The World on BluRay/DVD Day!

    Today is the day! Hands down my favorite movie of the year is coming out on DVD and BluRay. Sadly I am poor as hell right now, so i don’t have any spare funds, or else I’d be rushing out to get it. Wait, tomorrow is pay day. VICTORY WILL BE MINE (in about 12-24…

  • He’s getting the aniRAGE Bump #1

    An awesome dude we met at ShadoCon, Gregory Prytyka Jr., posted a report on his experiences at ShadoCon! Of course he mentions our Whose Line is it aniRAGE? panel! Go check it out, he’s posted some pics. And Greg, make sure to check back here, cause we are going to have some videos up soon!…

  • Sibby Reviews – Enslaved: Journey to the West

    I just beat Enslaved. All in all it was a pretty good game. The visuals were stunning, the combat was slow at first but easily picked up, controls were simple, no uber combos, just hit hard and hit harder. The story starts off as Monkey sees Trip escaping from a slave ship, he too soon…

  • Rediscovering Old Music

    Now that my desktop is back in my possession, I decided to scour my often overlooked music folder.  I don’t have a huge music collection, but it does stretch back to my highschool days in some places.  With my MP3 player now being 16 gigs instead of 4gb, it was time to update the music…

  • Team Up Review: WWE Night of Champions

    Click to Play FanaticGamer (Jacob) joins the fray with Zeke to review WWE Night of Champions. ;Does the run of shit endings to PPVs continue?